書信常用英語- iT邦幫忙::IT知識分享社群 - iThome Please let me know if the time is okay for you and Ben. 我建議我們 .... 通常是把 事情的重點highlight及處理的經過交代清楚,並給定確切的時間然後附帶一句 Please kindly advise me if xxx.
Business Writing: The "Please Advise" Habit 4 Aug 2008 ... If you have any questions or concerns, please advise. ..... They made me think about a phrase that is commnly used at my work, and I find weird "Kindly let me know if any queries.
Kindly advise - WordReference Forums Kindly advise if u would specifically refer to a quotation when ... The only emboldened words that make sense to me, are 'Kindly advise', which is a formal way of saying 'Please tell me'.
What is the difference between kindly advise or kindly advice "kindly advise" or "please advise" is a very common verbal phrase in memo-ese English that means means "Please give ...
word choice - "Could you please" vs "Could you kindly" - English ... 31 Dec 2011 ... If you wanted to sound a little more formal, you could say I ... I prefer using kindly rather than please.
Please kindly advise. - 沪江部落 - 沪江网 2011年7月11日 ... 比如please kindly advise if you need this sample ,we could arrange it 登录以后可 看到完整内容!
Please advise us or Please advice me? - UsingEnglish.com 23 Nov 2006 ... Please advise us. or 2. Please advice us. ... If you want to use "advice", you have to say like "Please ...
kindly or please - UsingEnglish.com 20 Feb 2011 ... 1) Would you kindly advise me the best way to deal with this problem. 2) Would you ... If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. You may have to ...
Please kindly advice if you have an explanation for alternative ... Please kindly advice if you have an explanation for alternative treatment and explanation for the cause of hyperhidrosis ...
When to use advice and advise. Is "kindly advice" right or "kindly ... Update : please tell me which one is correct...Kindly advice or kindly advise. ... show more ... If you want to use advice, then you have to change the sentence to ' Kindly give me (or let me ...